"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium."
The conclusion I came to years ago is that we don't have proper "markets" any more - if we ever did - certainly not free, fair and open markets. The "markets" are so manipulated and distorted that they would better be called "casinos." The "regulators" are there to run cover for the criminals they're supposed to be regulating and, for every share of common stock in issue, there are probably hundreds of persons who think they own each one - just like each ounce of paper "bullion." The bond "markets" are no better. There is clearly an occult/non-public bond market. And the government's books are black anyway. So I decided decades ago not to waste my time and energy by "investing" them in all that nonsense called "markets."
Call me boring, but for me physical bullion in my own possession without counter-party risk, outside the corrupt/criminal system, brings peace of mind on many levels. Yes, the price of COMEX bullion is - for the time being - fictitious; but the bars themselves are incorruptible.
"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium."
The Curse of Canaan
Eustace Mullins 1987
Trump's Economic Reset Explained? https://substack.com/home/post/p-157007475
The conclusion I came to years ago is that we don't have proper "markets" any more - if we ever did - certainly not free, fair and open markets. The "markets" are so manipulated and distorted that they would better be called "casinos." The "regulators" are there to run cover for the criminals they're supposed to be regulating and, for every share of common stock in issue, there are probably hundreds of persons who think they own each one - just like each ounce of paper "bullion." The bond "markets" are no better. There is clearly an occult/non-public bond market. And the government's books are black anyway. So I decided decades ago not to waste my time and energy by "investing" them in all that nonsense called "markets."
Call me boring, but for me physical bullion in my own possession without counter-party risk, outside the corrupt/criminal system, brings peace of mind on many levels. Yes, the price of COMEX bullion is - for the time being - fictitious; but the bars themselves are incorruptible.