I really cannot thank Solari enough for helping me understand the world in which I live. I am profoundly grateful for reliable information. Thank you for this article.

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Sooo… basically all the Dems screaming at their claims to the “power of the purse” have absolutely NO idea of what exactly they’ve been funding for years and have dropped the ball on oversight. Except of course if it’s gone to a fellow Dem or relatives, and then they scream louder.

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People are realizing the true capabilities of weaponized A.I. but they still think these weapons systems will be deployed sometime in the future. No, they have already been with us for 50 years. The current A.I. technology was perfected in Russia between 1919 and the 1970's. The A.I. has just been waiting for the bandwidth and infrastructure capabilities to catch up to the weaponry.

People also think that the US wasn't controlled by Jews when the Russian Romanov's were murdered by the Bolsheviks. Again, this is not so. It was the Jewish community in the US who funded the Bolshevik revolution. Both world wars were funded by the same people. The goal was, and still is, to destroy the European race - and that plan is well underway.

The old playbook was to create havoc inside Europe by funding havoc inside Europe. The new playbook is to completely isolate Europe from the rest of the world - while at the same time re-engaging the old America/Russia alliance that on the surface was severed when the Romanov dynasty was ended.

Europe will be encouraged to bankrupt itself by continuing the Ukraine war. As Europe implodes, the rejuvenated American/Russian alliance will become a new global superpower.

Its not the central banks that want a digital currency, its A.I. - that's what all the new found financial transparency is about. The new system will be based on honesty,, ie, an A.I. regulated social credit system.

Out with tho old - in with the new.

The treasury bond market is energized by the FUTURE labor potential of the citizens (max 70 years).

The new bio-digital system will be energized by the CURRENT labor potential of the citizens - via real-time 060606 patent technology... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/The-not-so-obvious-patent-Is-this-really-about-block-chain-mining:f?r=BzeaDEtU9gUs5Seo2tJcXiQjJf9Ekzvu

Presumably, the A.I. blockchain bio-digital currency system wonn't be introduced (announced) until the old treasury bond market is gone (destroyed).

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The system beta-test. This Autonomic A.I. systems test was conducted non-consenting citizens over a period of 100 years. The first 50 year test was conducted in Bolshevik Russia. The second 50 year beta-test was conducted on the citizens of mostly Western nations. Again, nobody asked these people if it was ok to torture them.

The first group targeted by A.I. weapons technologies were the children of mega rich Russians. Between the 1920's and 1950's transhumanist scientists tortured them with directed energy weapons until their parents paid a ransom - which usually amounted to their entire wealth and estates. This money was used to fund early brainwave mapping projects - first with wired apparatus and later via radio frequency weapons. These rudimentary experiments focused on mapping the electrical signals of the brain and matching them to specific words and actions. Commentary starts @ 0m27s... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/DNA-Frequency-Bioweapon-Links-Targeted-Individuals-to-Artificial-Intelligence-Hive-Mind-Control-Grid:5

Most of the brainwave experiments were conducted on institutionalized mental health patients in the former USSR. During this time it was discovered that the brain did not generate thought - but that it merely functioned as a receiver and processor. The question then became - where do these thoughts come from?

The second group to be targeted were psychic's.

Targeted Individual Program Exposed... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Targeted-Individual-Program-Exposed-Dr-Robert-Duncan-Dr-John-Hall-Bryan-Kofron-David-Voigts:4?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

Electronic Harassment Technology Used on Targeted Individuals... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Electronic-Harassment-Technology-Used-in-Gang-Stalking-:4?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

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The global banksters own the corporation. The premise that there is a constitutional republic that functions as a constructive trust for the people, is no longer true. Catherine Austin Fitts surely knows the true history of the Republic and the bankruptcies and who really tells the government what to do. If not, start here. Congress cant and doesn't do anything. One of the great scholars is Ken Cousins, gemstone university.

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The global banksters still use the constructive trust. The problem is the deeds are being misused.

The constructive trust is a very flexible instrument. That's why the banksters use them... https://www.expertinalllegalmatters.com/cestui-que-vie-trusts

The Constructive Trust - Woman Refuses Court Jurisdiction... https://youtu.be/gGzkduQxMy0

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The entire Congress over the years has reneged on their responsibilities so now they’re crying foul? How about sending them all home and have a reelection in every state once the voters are brought up to speed?

Dereliction of duty seems a reasonable accusation. We have the proof in our present financial situation.

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