This is a terrific consolidation for sharing. I just sent it to a bunch of people.

In 2023 I was labeled a "conspiracy theorist" - by my own family - when I tried to tell them that the entire "health event" was a military operation.

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Two things I know about the fake covid pandemic, it had absolutely nothing to with health and every single measure taken in the name of covid was antihuman, you could see and feel the hostility of the aggressive measures brought down on our heads.

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Yes, now it all makes sense.

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I have a lot more here for the military operation in Australia if anyone is interested. In particular is a focus on Major General Paul Kenny who was awarded the US Legion of Merit for his exceptionally meritorious service as the CJ5 NSOCC-A and a second US Legion of Merit for his exceptionally meritorious service as the Deputy Director of Operations at US Special Operations Command in Tampa.

Special Operations Joint Task Force - Afghanistan (SOJTF-A) is the United States component of the NATO Special Operations Component Command - Afghanistan (NSOCC-A). The commander of NSOCC-A is also the commander of SOJTF-A - a dual-hat command arrangement.

They move these Five Eyes spooks in different leadership positions, and he ran Australia's JTF-629 (operation Covid-19 ASSIST). https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/theatre-of-war-australias-covid-response

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Let the indictments begin.

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We had military patrolling our particular streets in Melbourne. An adf acquaintance agreed we haven't lived in a democracy for some time

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OMG I was looking for this!!!! I remember one of Sashas podcasts early on where she provided a lot of this information. I wanted to re-listen to it and defamiliarize myself with the mechanisms used to carry out the world's greatest hoax. That way I will know if Trump's "dismantling" of the deep state is for real or just more theater. The continued embracing of the mRNA platform and digital surveillance is disturbing but not surprising.

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A Luciferian Operation such as the U.N. Blessed “Pandemic” “Covid” and Health Weaponized through DARPA Military and Political Evil is always met with ignorant open arms, defense and disdain for opposition. Know those who expose and oppose are not on this earth by coincidence. Warriors of truth come for battle not condolence.

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This is true every word of it, and I don’t see a good excuse for the opposition. Something I have been noticing is a perversion of language. It’s almost impossible to explain because it’s insanely clever. I’ll try to explain, or I’ll question what I think I’m seeing and hope someone else see it too?? What if (considering the emphasis on the power of belief) the definitions them selves are different? When you vote and agree to be governed ( that is in a nut shell what your doing , even if you don’t the emphasis is always on majority ) your definition of being governed and the definition of the ones ( taking ) the authority to govern are different???? Now think about terms and conditions that we all never read??? Like I said it’s really hard to explain but I’m 99.9 percent sure it’s taking place. This is free will or how it’s being used against you i should say. when you give away the authority given to you by God to ( who does the Bible say is in control of this world ? ) to Satan and you don’t even realize your doing it because you hold people to a much higher standard than he does. It’s called lying by omission it’s how Satan deceived Adam and Eve. Also he has authority over the world, but he has no authority over you unless you give it to him!! When we think of what evil is we have no idea that it’s true definition is much much worse than we believe it is or than how we define it, the word lie falls in the same category, this is why the Ten Commandments were written we just aren’t grasping the seriousness of the situation!!!! Please if I’m wrong or you se it differently let me know. Also if it makes sense in a way you’ve never really questioned please also say something. God bless everyone standing up for the truth and everyone we’ve gotten through too, and may God find the ones who haven’t been yet convinced!! Amen!!!

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Head to my substack. I cover it more in depth than anyone including the Hyper-Stagflationary Depression we've been in since 2020 while "experts" keep talking about Recession.

-Dillon Critique from; @what's the DILL?

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Let’s not forget Dr Judy Mikovits who sounded the Alarm for Yrs

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https://archive.org/details/the-fauci-covid-19-dossier_202110/mode/1up Another treasure trove of facts here too including 4100 patents on SARS-CoV 1&2 starting in 1990's!

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Nanotechnology in the vaccines and chemtrails is designed to connect everyone's Wireless Body Area network (WBAN) to military level A.I. Quantum Computers. The vaxxed are not shedding, they are transmitting... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95Ar40AlmQs

Every persons WBAN has a unique vibratory signature. No two signatures are alike. Your WBAN has been paired to a digital twin that lives on a militarized D-Wave quantum computer the transhumanist's call the Sentient World Simulation (SWS). Every human on the planet has been assigned a real-time node in the bio-digital SWS.

Heterodyning is when the resonant frequency of the avatar in the A.I. Sentient World Simulation is tuned to a target's unique WBAN frequency. This creates a real-time information super-highway between the target and the A.I. quantum computer.


Gangstalking is a Beta Test program which was developed by Transhumanist's to qualify their quantum level A.I. SWS. The non consenting test subject have become known as Targeted Individuals

Targeted Individual Program Exposed... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Targeted-Individual-Program-Exposed-Dr-Robert-Duncan-Dr-John-Hall-Bryan-Kofron-David-Voigts:4?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

Electronic Harassment Technology Used on Targeted Individuals... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Electronic-Harassment-Technology-Used-in-Gang-Stalking-:4?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

Making people think or do something you want them to do is not difficult with modern militarized technologies. Electro-magnetic frequency weapons have been developed by the military which can be modulated to create theta wave and beta wave asymmetrical activity in the brain, thus rendering an individual, or group, acutely susceptible to outside instruction. An A.I. program then simply inserts an 'instruction' into the brain via a Brain-to-Computer Interface, in a similar way that a hypnotherapist implants an instruction into the mind of one of their patients. Its just hypnosis - the only difference is its being done by a machine instead of a human.

They can also connect one human brain to another brain and influence the individuals thoughts and behavior. Dr Charles Morgan lecture at West Point Military academy. The full video is still on YouTube... https://www.youtube.com/shorts/695-4y6OGXg

Influencing what the human mind is thinking is positively child's play to these highly advanced A.I.'s. They were doing this to TI's 50 years ago. They were doing it to bulls in 1963 - and they state in the video below that this technology wasn't new even back then...

Mind control - Prof Delgardo, Harari, Schwab & Brin... https://odysee.com/@sheepfarmstudios:f/mind-control-prof-delgardo,-harari,:d?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmj

New World war - You Are The Enemy... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/People-Don%27t-Know-What%27s-Coming:c?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD


Graphene Oxide Brain to Computer Interface... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Graphene-Oxide-Brain-to-Computer-Interface:1?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

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Scientists Project Holograms Into The Brain To Create Experiences... https://www.forbes.com/sites/andreamorris/2018/04/30/scientists-project-holograms-into-the-brain-to-create-experiences/?sh=6b03b5fb1460

Projecting holograms into the brain to create new experiences... https://www.powerofpositivity.com/device-project-holograms-into-brain-create-new-experiences/

Scientists are using holograms to edit the brain... https://interestingengineering.com/science/scientists-are-using-holograms-to-edit-brain-activity?ysclid=m4ws3ni4l8561076671

Holograms can now program brain activity... https://singularityhub.com/2018/05/09/holograms-can-now-program-brain-activity-are-fake-experiences-next/

Editing brain activity with holography... https://neurosciencenews.com/holography-brain-activity-8918/

Scientists create holographic projections into the brain that can create false memories... https://bigthink.com/technology-innovation/scientists-create-holographic-projections-in-the-brain-that-can-create-false-memories/

Stimulating the brain with lasers can create 'Matrix' like false memories... https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/holograms-in-the-brain/


Graphene oxide brain-to-computer Interface. Commentary starts @ 07m43s... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/Graphene-Oxide-Brain-to-Computer-Interface:1

Brain to Computer Interface Links Human Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) to A.I. Cloud... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/DNA-Frequency-Bioweapon-Links-Targeted-Individuals-to-Artificial-Intelligence-Hive-Mind-Control-Grid:5?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

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The A.I. Sentient World Simulation is connected to the brain and central nervous system of every human on the planet via a graphene oxide brain-to-computer interface. The Sentient World Simulation is a highly advanced Quantum A.I. weapons system.

The SWS has access to every aspect of your being. It is connected to your brain via the self assembling mesh electronics Brain-to-Computer Interface that is now in most vaccines - and the chemtrails... https://rumble.com/vqcaaf-nanotech-humans-bi-directional-dna-to-computer-interface.html

The SWS also has a 'search and register' module called Jade 2.0 that already has a file on you, in case you become its enemy. Commentary starts @ 14m13s... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/COVID-War-Games---This-Is-Not-A-Drill:7

Jade Helm 2.0... https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2yog13

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Graphene Oxide is not the only component being utilised as a Brain to Computer Interface. Dr Charles Lieber worked on silicon nanowire technology at Harvard University for 22 years. He was arrested in 2019 on scientific espionage charges, along with two Chinese nationals. Lieber worked at the Wuhan laboratory in China for 5 years.

His scientific papers are still online.... Charles M. Lieber... https://academictree.org/chemistry/publications.php?pid=52856

Many of them describe using silicon nanowires as the basis of BCIs, or brain-computer interfaces... https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-019-0234-8

Silicon nanowire transistors are extremely small, on the order of a few nanometers thick. They are small enough to be coated with HIV TAT peptides and slipped right through the membrane of a cell... https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b00020

Once inside, they’re capable of reading signals from (and modulating the activity of) individual neurons. How does one power them if they’re inside cells and have no batteries, capacitors, or other power source? Simple. RF induction... https://arxiv.org/pdf/1007.3951.pdf

What devices use RF induction? 5G beam forming wireless networks!

Liber's 66 nanobot Patents... Charles M. Lieber Inventions, Patents and Patent Applications... https://patents.justia.com/inventor/charles-m-lieber


Implantable Mesh Electronics: Harvard scientist Dr Charles Leiber's work on silicon nanowires centered around the development of an injectable self assembling (secondary) synthetic nervous system for humans (Brain-to-Computer Interface), however, graphene oxide was found to be a MUCH better medium. Everything that silicon can do graphene oxide can do 1,000 times more efficiently. "Our goal to bridge the gap between the structure and mechanical properties of neural (organic) and electronic (digital) networks a decade ago has now led to the realization of mesh electronics that ‘look and behave’ just like neural tissue... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959438817301952

Pandemic Vials Contain Nanoscale Electronic Components (Rare Earth Metals) - Not Biology... https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/COVID-Vials-Contain-Electronics---Not-Biology:9?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD

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And to see them still masking to this day…

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Such effort, thankyou everyone.

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